
To qualify for full membership of INSTB, the following minimal conditions have to be met:

1.       The candidate shall provide evidence that the simulated translation activity is structurally embedded in the curriculum and provides the students with a sufficient amount of realistic translation practice and that the steps of the European standard EN 15038 / the international standard ISO 17100 mentioned in objective 1 are respected.

The candidate shall back up this evidence with one or more references to paper or online sources that describe the simulated translation activity (e.g. an official course unit description).

2.       The candidate shall provide a description of the simulated translation activity that helps to make clear that objectives 2, 3, 4 and 10 are sufficiently met.

The candidate shall back up this evidence with one or more references to paper or online sources that describe the simulated translation activity (e.g. an official course unit description on his institution’s website or Electronic Learning Environment).

3.       The member shall express agreement, in general terms, with objectives 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Full membership is for a period of five years, and is renewable on condition that the member can show at this stage that the criteria mentioned above are still met.

Interested parties that do not meet all the criteria may nevertheless be allowed as candidate members, at the discretion of the full members, but shall neither be allowed to use INSTB certification nor to call themselves members. They will be given a maximum period of three years to comply with the criteria.

Candidate members may participate (without vote) in the public part of INSTB meetings.

International Network of Simulated Translation Bureaus